Friday, August 16, 2013

The Lone Ranger

When I was a boy, my favorite toy (besides my ride on Winnie the Pooh) was a "stuffed animal" in the shape of The Lone Ranger. The old t.v. version with the blue shirt and red bandanna. For this reason I was very excited to see the latest film version of this legend. I was NOT disappointed. I encourage you all to ignore the bad reviews and go enjoy a good old fashioned western adventure. This movie was a lot of fun with some really great performances. I was hooked from the opening scene. I love the way they framed the story. It is something I never would have thought of. I realize the idea of the white hatted good guy versus the black hatted bad guy is a bit outdated in this world we live in but damn was it refreshing. The villains of the film and their motivations could be compared to a lot of modern day villains but don't try to over think it. There are many fun moments in the film as well. The best of which was mentioned by Mike Watt in his review. For a little while I felt like a little boy again. So forget what you've heard and just go have fun for a couple of hours. it is something people so rarely do these days.

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