Friday, August 16, 2013

Evil Dead (re-make)

Evil Dead. I had high hopes for this one. Once upon a time I was anit-remake. The past decade or so has turned out a few that weren't so bad so I started to change my view and give them a chance. Evil Dead is the kind of film that makes thinkng i was right in the first place with my position that re-makes are useless. Maybe I am too jaded because I grew up on horror films. Maybe the horrible experience of qatching Evil Dead is my fault because I went in expecting something new and fresh. What I got was the same old stuff we have been getting in horror films for years. The characters all fit into their littke cookie cutter molds nicely but fail to make you care what happens to any of them. The film also lacks scares. There is plenty of gore but no actual scares. World War Z was scarier than Evil Dead. When the most interesting part of your movie happens post credits, you have a problem. Maybe the filmmakers expected me to be impressed because their hero was a woman. Again, this is old hat. The point of re-making something, in my opinion, is to do it better or at least update it for the changing times. Evil Dead does neither of these. Save your money movie watchers and stick with Sam Raimi's classic.

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